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phone: 718-808-2656



Office Locations:


BROOKLYN, NY (Brooklyn Heights)

161 Atlantic Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11201



Office to be announced

TEDDY Rothstein
Teddy Rothstein
OTHER Providers

I am at present the sole provider of the OJW Service among Dental Professionals save for Dr. Ted Steliotes in Pittsburgh, PA one of my trainees.  Since OJW can be done by anyone who can put on a bracket and work with wire, I am working on expanding the community of OJW providers through one-on-one sessions and group presentations aimed at sharing my methods and offering my expertise on the protocol which I invented and continue to develop.


The Dental Professionals that I train must pass a vigorous test after which they receive a certificate of competency I will have at least twelve more Dentists trained by the end of 2017 by virtue of my online courses and willingness to travel to teach in private offices and clinics, hospitals and dental schools. 


I have posted many many articles in my OJW Group for Dental Professionals, Facebook and, and likewise at my private Facebook page for OJW patients. The role of Dental Professionals in treating weight-control issues is addressed in a major article I wrote and published on  In July of 2017 I will be presenting my work at the 2017 Clinical Nutrition Conference in Rome, Italy. Finally I have already presented my work at the meeting of the American of Orthodontists in Washington, DC and Paris, Fr.


Other Providers
FOR Dental Professionals

Interested in becoming a provider of OJW: Weight-Control?


To learn more about the OJW protocol and the 1-on-1 course, see:


For Dental Professionals


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